Friday 17 September 2010

The Planets!

Our Solar system is a collection of planets and Dwarf planets, 13 in total with hundreds of moons all circling the sun, their lifeforce. Our Solar System was formed 4.6 billion lightyears ago due to the collapse of a giant molecule cloud. Eight planets circle the sun Mercury being the closest and Neptune the furthest away. The first 4 ,Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are called the terrostrial planets. Beyond them is an area called the astroid belt the biggest object within the belt is a small body called Ceres a (Dwarf Planet). Next is the first of the outer planets the gas giants, Jupiter the largest planet has a small solar system of moons orbiting its huge body. Saturn is next and very similar in its chemical elements to Jupiter and many moons the exception being its stunning ice rings. Further to the edges of the Solar system lie the ice giants Uranus and Neptune. Followed a line of 4 dwarf planets Pluto a solitary ice ball striped of its planetary status due to the discovery of its distant neighbours Eris, Makemake and Haumea all larger bodies within a vast collection of Trans Neptunian objects.
        As well as the Planets there are countless Moons that orbit them some of them their own magnificent worlds of fire water and ice.

The Solar System!!

                    Just a little video to give an idea of the structures, distances and the size of the objects that make up our solar system and beyond.

Mercury !

The Solar systems smallest planet and the closest to the Sun
Mercury has been dubbed the dead planet it has no
atmosphere. A day is longer than a year.
Image taken by the Mariner probe 1974.

Venus !

Named after the roman god of love. Venus is the closest planet

to us and is regarded as a twin to earth being almost the exact 
size. However the two worlds are very different Venus has a
surface temp of 900 degrees celsius.

Earth ! The Pale Blue Dot, Carl Sagan...

Just a thought, to put it all into perspective....