Friday, 17 September 2010

The Planets!

Our Solar system is a collection of planets and Dwarf planets, 13 in total with hundreds of moons all circling the sun, their lifeforce. Our Solar System was formed 4.6 billion lightyears ago due to the collapse of a giant molecule cloud. Eight planets circle the sun Mercury being the closest and Neptune the furthest away. The first 4 ,Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are called the terrostrial planets. Beyond them is an area called the astroid belt the biggest object within the belt is a small body called Ceres a (Dwarf Planet). Next is the first of the outer planets the gas giants, Jupiter the largest planet has a small solar system of moons orbiting its huge body. Saturn is next and very similar in its chemical elements to Jupiter and many moons the exception being its stunning ice rings. Further to the edges of the Solar system lie the ice giants Uranus and Neptune. Followed a line of 4 dwarf planets Pluto a solitary ice ball striped of its planetary status due to the discovery of its distant neighbours Eris, Makemake and Haumea all larger bodies within a vast collection of Trans Neptunian objects.
        As well as the Planets there are countless Moons that orbit them some of them their own magnificent worlds of fire water and ice.

The Solar System!!

                    Just a little video to give an idea of the structures, distances and the size of the objects that make up our solar system and beyond.

Mercury !

The Solar systems smallest planet and the closest to the Sun
Mercury has been dubbed the dead planet it has no
atmosphere. A day is longer than a year.
Image taken by the Mariner probe 1974.

Venus !

Named after the roman god of love. Venus is the closest planet

to us and is regarded as a twin to earth being almost the exact 
size. However the two worlds are very different Venus has a
surface temp of 900 degrees celsius.

Earth ! The Pale Blue Dot, Carl Sagan...

Just a thought, to put it all into perspective....

Carl Sagan! Equation for Life !

In this video Carl Sagan discusses the likelihood of life in our Universe.

Mars !

The red planet named after the roman god of war. It is believed that mars once had large oceans and that liquid water could lie beneath its ice caps.                                                                                  
A sunset on Mars,  picture taken by probe (Spirit mission).
Human face on mars, image taken during the viking mission 1976. The
face turned out to be an illusion formed by the direction of the light.
Spirit also took this spooky image of a lifelike figure.

Ceres ! And the dwarf planets !

In between Mars and Jupiter is an area called the astroid belt. It is regarded as the bone yard of the solar system all the left over particles that  did not form into planets. The largest object within this area is a small planet called Ceres. Ceres is known as a dwarf planet and is one of five in the solar system.
A dwarf planet is an object that orbits the sun and is rounded, it is not however a planet on the basis that it has not cleared its own orbit of all objects of a similar size. Pluto was striped of its planet status as its orbit path is to full due to the kyper belt.

Has a rocky core and an ice mantle there is therefor a possibility that liquid water could flow beneath its surface. Something that NASA's recent dawn mission hopes to unearth. SEE VIDEO BELOW !!
Named after the god of the underworld due to its distance from the sun. Pluto has an egg shaped orbit and was effectively striped of its planet status by professor Mike Brown in jan 2005 after the discovery of Eris.                             

Named after the Rapanui god Makemake.

Haumea is unique due to its shape it has a slight curvature giving the dwarf planet the appearance of an american football.

Jupiter and Its Moons!

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It is a huge gas giant and is 
surrounded by 62 moons this has brought many to dub it as a miniature 
solar system. On its surface there are huge storms the most prominent its huge 
red eye. Jupiter is regarded as the solar systems vacuum cleaner due to its massive 
gravitational pull. Some scientists believe we owe our very existence to 
the gas giant as it has cleared out a path for the inner planets to exist,
destroying harmful solar missiles before they reach us.

Jupiters Moons !
The largest moon in the solar system, and the most heavily cratered.
Is covered in active volcanos, over 100. This moon draws its energy from the huge
gravitational pull of Jupiter as it orbits it is constantly pulled in by the gas
giant, this movement creates enough energy for Io to shoot out magma
200 miles into space.
The ice queen, its surface is made entirely of ice. Its cracked surface pattern has
led scientists to believe that tidal forces could be responsible below the ice crust.
The existence of liquid water could mean that primitive life could exist beneath
the surface of Europa.
Life on Europa?

Saturn the ringed planet!

Lord of the rings, Saturn is the 2nd largest planet in the solar system.
It is a huge gas ball surrounded by ice rings. The planet has an on going
polar storm larger than the United States and lightning 1 million times more
powerful than on earth. Less dense than water it would float on the ocean.
Saturn's Rings
Discovered by Gallilao in 1610. Saturn's rings are made up of billions of
pieces of space debri. Many believe they are a result of smashed up moons.
There are 7 ring regions, they are as wide as 21 earths laid side by side and as
thin as 65 feet. The rings however are eroding and wont be around forever.

In 1610 when Gallilao 1st sighted Saturn he recorded 
what he saw from his crude telescope, these are the the earliest record
of saturn s rings. Gallilao was unsure what these shapes were to him
 they appeared to be 2 circular objects either side 
of the planets mass.

In 1979 Voyager made a mysterious discovery. Saturn appeared to have 
a perfect hexagon at its north pole. The hexagon is the planets Polar vortex 
similar to that of earths but different in shape.

Saturns moon's Titan and Enceladus !

Titan a world very similar to our own!
Titan is the solar systems 2nd largest moon and arguably its most interesting.
As part of the Cassini mission a probe was landed on Titan to explore the
mysterious moon shrouded in cloud. The probe found a landscape covered in
mountains dunes winds and liquid methane rivers. Titan had a atmosphere
10 times thicker than earth but the correct measures of methane and 
hydrogen to stimulate organic compounds. The problem being the atmosphere
is to cold, 300 degrees below freezing.

Pictures taken by the probe revealing

a world not to dissimilar to ours.
The Cassini probe landed on a surface
consisting of liquid and solid
an almost slush type material.
These images are scientifically accurate artist depictions of the Cassini 

About one 8th the size of our own moon. Enceladus is a very active moon,
this ice ball is being constantly pulled by saturn s gravity this causes its
icy surface to rub against itself this friction causes heat. In turn the heat
makes massive geysers, and huge eruptions 100 miles into the air.
             These huge eruptions prove there is water on the moon the energy
that heats this water could provide nutrients for life to exist and be
These are satellite images of Enceladus's magnificent eruptions.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

The outer planets! Uranus and Neptune and Pluto.

Named after the greek goddess of the sky. Uranus is an ice giant, the planet has an off centre axis meaning it spins on its side. Scientists have recently discovered it has faint rings believed to have formed due to a huge collision into one of its 27 moons. 

These dusty rings captured by NASA's hubble telescope are beleved to
have formed due to a comet colliding into one of its moons or a collision
between moons. The planets 27 moons circle uranus once a day or every 12
hours compared to the 28 days it takes our moon to orbit earth.
A collision therefor is imminent meaning that uranus's rings could grow.

Named after the roman god of the seas.
Neptune is the furthest planet from the sun, due 
to pluto s demotion. The planet rotates rapidly
powering the most ferocious winds in the solar
system over 1000 miles per hour. The planet heats its 
atmosphere from within, this huge amount of internal 
heat is a mystery to scientists and has led many
to believe that the planet is still forming, so gravity
is compressing its gases to generate huge amounts of internal heat.
In 1989 Voyager 2 discovered a massive storm in Neptune's 
southern hemisphere a great dark spot similar to that of Jupiter's red 
spot. The raging storm is a massive 8000 miles wide large enough for 
our earth to fit in the centre. Scientists were later amazed when 
five years on it suddenly disappeared. Another dark spot appeared
this time in the north making Neptune's storm patterns the
most erratic and unpredictable in all the solar system.

(below) The largest of Neptune's 13 moons. This is the coldest 
object in the solar system, 40 degrees above absolute zero. This is 
because its surface is the most reflective therefor it absorbs no 
heat. This world however has huge plubes volcanos that rocket 5
miles in the air freezing instantly. This has led scientists to ask the
 question could there be heated liquid water below its surface.

Pluto, the dwarf planet.
Deemed no longer a planet by Mike Brown's team in 2005 
Pluto was discovered by Clive Tombar, Its surface is made entirely
of 3 types of ice. It is 1000 times dimmer than an average earth day,
and due to its dead geographical state it posses the oldest rock in the 
solar system.

Pluto's moon, Charon
Is the largest moon in comparison to its planets size in the solar system.
Pluto has 2 other moons Hydra and Nix.

Research Notes : Mercury

Research Notes : Venus

Research Notes : Mars

Research Notes : Ceres

Research Notes : Jupiter and Its Moons !