Dreams are a result of your subconscious mind, they can almost always be linked to something that is happening in your life. This can be an event a secret and altogether anything that is on our mind. In our dreams we effectively live out our problems and by relating those dreams to our lives the dream state can start to help the conscious.
Dreams can involve all manner of objects people anything but their are a lot of dreams we can make sense of. By looking at these dreams we can identify underlining issues in our lives.
Here are a few examples of some common dreams !
Being Naked in Public
This dream usually plays out at school work or some large public event
were many people are present. This can make you feel 2 things in the dream
state, embarrassed or proud the feeling in the dream is very important in
defining the meaning.
So this dream can mean many things.
1. That we are trying to hide something, this made hard by our
lack of clothes
2. We could not be prepared for something i,e a presentation our
nakedness could be a direct result of our fear of being exposed.
3. HOWEVER nakedness could equally be a show of confidence,
pride and freedom.
4.SO if the feeling is we don't care this can be a direct result of
a confident personality a show that we are comfortable with who
we are.
5.One the other hand if we are naked and nobody notices our
subconscious is telling us that we are afraid of not being noticed
If these dreams are experienced then the dreamer must make
sense of them by looking at the current issues in their lives
If a person dreams figure 5 they have the meaning of the
dream but thats not enough they must relate this dream to
their current life. An example could be an average looking
bride is set to marry and her bride maids are stunning she
might be afraid that she might not be noticed on her big
day this shred of doubt in her conscious mind, could
play out big in her subconscious.
Teeth Falling Out !
In this dream you usually find that you open your mouth and you teeth begin to fall out. This particular dream can be very emotionally disturbing for the dreamer. And can have a number of meanings, that can be defined by closely relating the dream to the dreamers current life.
1. The loss of teeth can signify that we are afraid of being found unattractive.
2. This loss can also signify a loss of power in real life. As teeth resemble the ability to communicate the loss of this power can be closely linked with embarrassment.
Being Chased |
Being Chased is a complicated dream. The dreamer can be left terrified by
the experience, the chaser is normally frightening and the dream can become
a nightmare. Lots of sleep paralysis sufferers experience this dream.
1. This dream can mean that someone is making you feel threatened in
life it is perhaps best to think of a person that resembles the creature
chasing you.
2. This dream can also be the result of you replaying an event in your
life, something that you did, a mistake or a phobia. A recurrence of this
is your subconscious telling you that you need to put it right.
3. This dream can also symbolise that you are running away from
your problems.
4. OR something about you! So your an alcoholic and your drinking
far to much, your in denial and your subconscious is telling you its
becoming a problem. |
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