Wednesday 15 September 2010

Lucid Dreams! The ability to control our dreams !

This subject as touched on in the previous video about sleep paralysis. Lucid dreaming is something that everyone can key into the ability to morf anf make our own worrld within our dreams.

To effectivly experience Lucid dreaming, you must 1st.

  • Become aware that you are dreaming.
  • There are techniques for becoming more aware and ultimately experience greater lucid dreaming.
Pre Sleep Suggestion
For this to take effect say to yourself 10 mins before you sleep.
I want to be more aware during my sleep! THEN... try to carry
this concious state across to the dream.
Reading viewing images, rehercing and even talking about
lucid dreaming are all form of pre sleep sugestion.
another.... pre sleep suggestion
is taking a dream from the past and re living that dream
in memory over and over that will give you an extra
flexibility in the dream state.

Waking up in the middle of the night between the hours of
3 and 4 and meditating for 15 to 20 mins. Can bring about
grater lucidity to dreams. That follow the meditation
Meditation can range from controling your breth to taking your mind
somewhere new. Any technique helps focus and relax the boby
ultimately aiding the lucidity of dreams.

Question Reality
To be able to realise you are in a dream you ultimatly need to
be able to see and feel the difference between the 2 worlds.

1. Touch things in your concious world every day to day
 objects such as a light switch and question thir reality.
This realisation can carry on over to the dream state.
2. Through doing this you will be able to tell the difference
this will give you a trigger a visual que into realising
you are in a dream.


These are called dream signs in dream tutorial. BELOW.

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