Wednesday 15 September 2010

Wolves are are more than GOOD !!

I initially got interested in Wolves when i first watched Kevin Cosners Dances With Wolves. This began a fascination with the native American and more so their relationship with the Wolf. I discovered that the natives were misunderstood in the same way the wolf has been for centuries. I found that the natives based their communities around the Wolf pack it is everything they were everything that is good about mankind. These animals are not savage killers or anything to be scared of they are a private animal, wise, social, and intelligent and most off all misunderstood!

Scene from the film (Dances with Wolves).

This scene for me demonstrates the real spirit of the wolf playful and loyal.

This is the classic John Dunbar theme composed by john barry. A piece of music that touches the soul
taken from a truly inspiring movie.
These are intimate images taken by legendary wildlife, film maker and 
photographer Jim Dutcher of the famous Sawtooth pack. His award 
winning documentary living with wolves gave a rare insight into the private 
lives of wolves, exploring in depth their watertight communities.
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From wolves I believe we can learn a great deal about ourselves.
The native americans had an appreciation for the wolf an
understanding. To them the wolf was respected as a wise and
cunning hunter with a strong community they hunted
together and lived in harmony, the early indians
viewed the wolf as an equal and
based their ideologies and communities
around that of the pack.

The problem with the wolf what gives them their bad reputation
is our lack of understanding. As the natives pointed out the white
man has an obsession with control, raising livestock instead of
hunting for fair game. And therefor the wolf became a threat to the
             So in our nature what we cant control we destroy. Not
attempt to understand, as a result we distance ourself from it.

This is why the Gray wolf in particular the red wolf have been
nearly stamped out of all existence.

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